It came as a surprise to me, that my four-year-old came home the other day from her childcare, performing an acknowledgement of country. She proudly recited the words off by heart. She then proceeded to tell me that they acknowledge country every day at her childcare.
It gives me hope to hear some of our youngest acknowledging country on a daily basis. I can only imagine how this may impact on the next generation’s understanding of Aboriginal culture and heritage.
Here at Bonnie’s, we have adopted a policy for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgment of Country. An Acknowledgment of Country plaque was placed in the front of our office, to show our dedication to this important act. We include a Welcome to Country and Acknowledgment of Country at the commencement of all of our meetings. It has become an essential element in how we do things here.
Here are a few reflections from our staff:
“A small gesture shows how much we’ve progressed in terms of acknowledging Aboriginal culture and heritage. There is so much more to put into practice but it does show a change in our thinking.” Ranjani, Child & Youth Worker
“It’s great to be working here at Bonnie’s with an organisation and people that support and understand the importance of Aboriginal events. Bonnie’s holds their own events and joins in with other local Aboriginal community events. It’s nice to feel that people are connected’. Donna, Bonnie’s Aboriginal Worker.
“When I hear or say the acknowledgment to country, I’m really present and put my feet on the ground. I try to remain still and present and find it very respectful. The culture, the people and the land come into my mind and I feel connected to the people”. Alison, Community Worker
Written by Nguyen, Image from Flickr
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