Here at Bonnie’s, workers often take turns writing blogs, about our personal experiences or those of clients we’d like to share. This time round I just couldn’t think of anything to write about until a colleague asked me what it was that stood out for me most in my line of work. Immediately, the first word that came to mind was “R.E.S.I.L.I.E.N.C.E.”
Because no matter how much our women clients, colleagues, friends, neighbours, and others have struggled, there is always a look in their eyes that says, “Yes, I’ve got this. Yes, I can do this. Yes, this life is mine to lead.”
This is what I’ve observed no matter the social background, education or support these women have. No matter how busy life can get, there is always a certain resilience that calls one woman to another. We are always there to support each other—when things are good, and when they are not so good. Whether subconsciously or not, we fall into each other’s lives—sometimes even by accident, so we know we’re not so alone.
Michelle Obama once said:
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
I believe this to be true as I have seen it throughout my life with every woman that has crossed my path. In my previous roles, and now as a Child Specialist Worker, this is what I see.
It’s easy to forget that we have this inner strength to carry on no matter what life throws at us.
It’s easy to forget our inner resilience when life gets too busy, with our children, our families, our friends. When we are caught in our own struggles or even looking after our own communities.
So, if I could leave a message out there to all women, no matter what shape or form, socio economic or educational background or profession, my message would be this:
Remember your inner strength.
Continue to reach out whenever you need to.
Keep going even when it feels like you have nothing left.
If you need to rest and recharge, then do it without guilt.
Let others in. Support them and let them support you.
Remember, even the smallest words count. Just like when my colleague inspired me to think of this word (resilience), this small little word that continues to run through every fibre of our being and will always remain there, no matter what.
Written by Alison C
Images Via Canva
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