Bonnie Support Services

Bonnie Support Services

Dear Mums

Dear Mums, 

One of the things I miss from being a Family Worker is meeting all the families at Bonnie’s. As Team Leader, I don’t get to have a lot of interaction with you all, as my job is mainly to support and guide the team that in turn supports you. 

While I don’t get to meet you all, I do get to hear your stories. 

Your workers tell me about your resilience and your strength. We chat about your situation and how we can best help you move forward. We brainstorm ideas to help you access housing and financial support. We double and triple-check your safety plans to make sure we haven’t forgotten anything. 

We talk a lot about your kids and what we can do for them too. 

I get to hear all about how clever and sweet your children are, the funny things they say and do. I also hear about your worries for them, we talk about the challenges they face, and we make plans about what we can do to help them. 

Bonnie’s has been open for almost 50 years, and throughout that time thousands of women have come through our doors. Each one unique in her experiences and her journey, but each one sharing one common goal – to find safety and peace for her family. Each woman needs a place to rest, ask questions, and make a plan for what comes next. 

While we might never meet each other in person, I want you to know that I am here in the background doing what I can for you and your kids. Lots of us are. Tenancy officers advocate for you and work hard to make sure you can sustain your tenancy. Admin workers source donations and do endless tasks to keep Bonnie’s running smoothly. We have managers who guide us and a board that makes sure we’re complying with all the rules and regulations so we can all get on with the business of what we do best – supporting families like yours. 

I also want you to know that even if you haven’t had anyone believe in you for a long time, and even if you don’t believe in yourself right now – I believe in you. I believe in your strength. I believe in your ability to face the challenges ahead of you with your head held high. Yes, there will be times you stumble and days you are not the best version of yourself. But you will continue on, and with a little bit of support, you will find your way and step into your brand-new life. 

I know this to be true – even without meeting you – because I’ve seen it over and over again. The darkest of nights always end eventually. Debt can be paid off. Kids can settle into new routines. We somehow find space for our grief. 

I wish you strength on the hard days, grace on the messy days, and a little bit of luck for when you need it most. 


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