Bonnie Support Services

Bonnie Support Services


Vale Mary Stanley

I am writing this blog on behalf of our team to pay tribute to our much-loved colleague, Marie (Mary) Stanley, who passed away at her home on the 16th of September 2020 after a short illness. We feel immense sadness losing our dear Mary. It is difficult to do justice to the impression she’s left […]

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With Gratitude

Change is difficult and it is very well known that some, including myself, would rather stay in their comfort zone than take steps into the unknown. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a huge impact on Bonnie’s, especially on our physical and mental wellbeing. We’ve had to limit face-to-face contact with the women and external services, adapt […]

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One woman’s journey

I never thought that when starting a family worker’s role at Bonnie’s I would find myself feeling so grateful for being part of so many women’s journeys. The process of working with clients to set goals on paper is one thing. But to see these goals transcend paper and become a reality is something that […]

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A team approach

In an organisation like Bonnie’s, you don’t really know how the day is going to unfold. You can have your checklist ready to go and a plan for the day, however, the term ‘be ready for anything’ is a motto needed to go by. Staff at Bonnie’s are always on the go, supporting clients and […]

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Peta’s Painting

Reconciliation can be a hard thing to do when there are ongoing injustices to my people! When I first started work at Bonnie’s, the moment I walked in I felt at ease. There were no ‘first-day jitters’. Somehow I felt a sense of peace and belonging. And I knew this was a place for me. […]

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A fresh perspective

Jasmine was on placement at Bonnie’s since just before Covid-19 restrictions commenced. Here she shares some of her experiences. I had a range of emotions when starting at Bonnie’s. There was a bit of excitement about going into a new learning experience and at the same time, there was the general nervousness that you get […]

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Students as teachers

To our students today and tomorrow. Every year we are approached by TAFE and Universities to have students do their placement at Bonnie’s. We usually take on 2-3 students a year. We love having students doing their placement with us. As workers, we tend to work the same way, year after year. Hosting a student […]

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Two Good

Photo includes: Work-Work team members and chefs from Two Good Co.  Two Good started as a soup kitchen in Kings Cross twelve years ago. Rob (the founder of Two Good) met firsthand with people experiencing homelessness and was encouraged by their response to the food he was serving. People were genuinely excited by the food […]

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Men speak up

It’s a common scene. A group of men gather together after work at a local bar and start to banter. The conversation turns to the looks of the female bartender and what she would be like in bed. Sexist jokes are made by your mate and everyone around you laughs. Except you. As a bystander, […]

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About MATE

Culture impacts how we perceive the world and interact with others. Like when we welcome someone with a handshake or by kissing them on the cheek or with a bow – we are following the norms that society has set. The same goes for norms around gender.  The way we behave with each other is […]

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How we adapted creatively

When the COVID-19 restrictions commenced, we had such concern for the women at Bonnie’s. In their past, they have often been isolated from their support systems and families due to domestic violence. We didn’t know how they would cope with COVID-19. This prompted us to find new ways to continue our important work. In normal […]

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Big bank says no to abuse

Domestic Violence is often seen as physical violence but there are so many other types of violence abusers will use. Some that are very hidden indeed. Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has discovered that customers were using their banking services to conduct abuse. Bank transaction abuse is where an abuser uses bank deposits to convey an abusive […]

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