Bonnie Support Services

Bonnie Support Services
July 29, 2015

Aboriginal Women and Domestic and Family Violence

Can we ever have enough good information? Creative Spirits is a website which provides information about Aboriginal culture and experience. Read here about Aboriginal women’s experience of domestic violence, statistics and other important information.

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July 24, 2015

“Why didn’t you just leave?”

“Why didn’t you just leave?” is a great piece of journalism from the Huffington Post. Six very different women with very different stories explain why there is no simple answer to that question. Read their stories here.

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July 20, 2015

You are not powerless

See the Triumph is an American website that shares resources, research and personal stories about how women can move from abusive relationships and build happy, successful lives. Guest bloggers share their own experiences and insights. They describe strategies that have worked to help them (and others) overcome their abuse and the stigma related to it. […]

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July 16, 2015

Past and future come together

On 30 June the new Bonnie’s was launched. The day started out with our team excited but anxious about how the day would go. (Just like any party, I guess.) We shouldn’t have worried though. It was perfect – the rain stayed away but our guests didn’t. A big crowd came to celebrate our 40 […]

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June 26, 2015

Bonnie’s celebrates turning 40

On Tuesday 30 June we will be celebrating 40 years of Bonnie’s, and launching our new, expanded service. The launch will be a way for us to acknowledge the amazing work that has been done by the women before us who saw the need, back in the early 70s, for a safe place for women […]

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June 26, 2015

People first… then gender

The wonderful cartoonist, writer and children’s book creator Judy Horacek constantly helps women find the funny side of things: a side that might not always seem funny at all. This cartoon appeared in Sheila’s. For more of Judy’s work including her books visit her website.

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June 26, 2015

Sharing our experiences

What does hunger and homelessness look like in America? Well, a lot like it looks like in Australia actually! This is a terrific video showing how women living with financial disadvantage get the opportunity to share what it’s like to be them through a creative project. See how it improves understanding in their communities. This […]

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June 26, 2015

Migrant Mothers of Australia

These stories from migrant women tell us how a sense of belonging can be forged from new experiences, relationships and places. In Migrant Mothers of Australia, photographer Sevim Dogan has documented the experiences of migrant women over eighty years old who have journeyed from all corners of the globe to make Australia their home. These […]

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June 22, 2015

I was never able to experience a normal life

You’ll want to share this. It’s a wonderful, inspiring animation from ABC Open. We hear a Victorian women telling her story and sharing the great changes that have been possible since she moved on with her kids. The artist’s drawings bring the beauty and the fun. Watch then share then watch again. Beautiful stuff.

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June 16, 2015

Hey, what’s going on?

That’s a question we all ask ourselves when we read the headlines about the escalation of domestic violence in Australia. But that same question, if asked out loud, might also save a life. How? It might be as simple as acting on your concern. Don’t be afraid to ask your friend, relative, co-worker, patient, neighbour…. […]

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June 15, 2015

The costs and causes of domestic violence

Here’s an in-depth story in the Monthly magazine that brings the history of women’s refuges up to date in 2015. It’s from writer Jess Hill.

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